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How do I browse and search for products on madebymilitary.com?

It is easy to browse and search many products on our platform just like any other marketplace. You can use the search bar or browse by category.

Is my personal information secure when I make a purchase on the platform?

Yes! We use an outside credit card processing company, STRIPE. You can read more about their secure payment systems on their website.

What payment methods are accepted for making purchases?

We accept all major credit cards.

Are there any discounts or special deals available for military members and their families?

Discounts depend on the vendors. As Made By Military is only a selling platform, Each store and vendor have their own policies and discounts. You may be able to acquire a discount by reaching out to the vendor you are interested in purchasing products from.

How do I contact sellers if I have questions about a product?

You will see a contact vendor messaging system on the store and product page that you are interested in. Each vendor will have an email address associated with their profile so that you can contact them.

What happens if I'm not satisfied with my purchase? Can I return it?

We encourage you to reach out to the vendor that you purchased the product from as each vendor is a third party seller. Each vendor has their own return policy and it would be a great idea for you to read their policies before purchasing.

Are there any reviews or ratings available for products and sellers?

Yes, there are reviews for vendors and products. You are more than welcome to leave your own review if you have purchased a product or service.

Can I track the status of my orders and shipments?

Yes, You will be able to track your purchases through our system. You can also reach out to the vendor for an update.

Can I create a wishlist or save products for later?

Yes, you can create a wish list for products you really like and are thinking about purchasing.

How do I report any issues or disputes with a seller?

Reach out to the seller directly as each seller is different and they have their own refund and return policies.

Are there any restrictions on who can purchase products on the platform?

No. While we do limit the platform to Military, Veterans, and their family to sell, anyone in the world can buy on our platform. This platform was created to help out the military and to support them by purchasing products and services that they offer.

What should I do if I suspect a seller is selling counterfeit or fraudulent items?

Please reach out to us as we do not allow this type of behavior or selling.

How can I provide feedback or suggestions about the platform?

We love feedback. It is what helps us grow. Please email us and let us know how we can make our platform better.

Is there a customer support team I can contact for assistance with my purchases?

Please reach out to the vendor you purchased from for assistance with your order. If you are having issues with a vendor and cannot find a resolution please see our Refund Policy and Terms or Use to better help you.

How do I sign up as a seller on madebymilitary.com?

At the top of the page you will see a “Register” button. Please click and follow instructions. Remember, once you create an account, you will not be able to list items for sale until we verify that you are a part of the military community. Once you submit your request, one of our representatives will reach out to you to verify your military affiliation by way of current orders, ID Card, DD-214. Those not able to produce the documentations will not be able to sell on Mae By Military.

What kind of products or services can I sell on this platform?

The possibilities are endless! As long as they are legal and follow our selling guidelines. You are permitted to sell actual products, digital products, virtual services, wholesale/resale products, and even dropship products.. This platform is for you to try and create income by starting a side hustle or business. 

Are there any fees associated with listing my product?

When you publish a listing on our platform, it doesn't require any out-of-pocket expenses. Your listing remains active until your item is sold or until you decide to remove it. When a sale is made, we apply a 6% transaction fee to the total sale price, not including the shipping price you've set. We also charge the 2.9% + 0.30 that the independent Credit Card Processing Company charges to process payments. These are the only fees you'll incur when selling on Made By Military. You can read about this on our Selling on MBM Guide.  Our mission is to encourage our military families to start and grow a business without having to worry about obstacles. The best way to breakdown one of the biggest obstacles is by waiving the listing fees and creating a platform / website for military personnel and family to showcase their products or services. 

How do I set the pricing for my products?

You get to set your own pricing for the products or services you choose to list. This platform puts you in control of your vendor shop and allows you to start a business or side hustle with no risk and no money out of pocket. We do not charge for you to get started. 

Can I offer discounts or promotions to military members and their families?

Absolutely! You can generate coupon codes and hand them out as you see fit. You are in control of your shop and your pricing.

What is the process for uploading product listings and images?

Just like any other online marketplace, you can add your listings and images on your vendor panel. When you create a new product listing it will bring up various options for you to complete your listing.

How can I communicate with potential buyers on the platform?

You will have your own messaging system on your vendor profile where you will be able to communicate with your potential customers. 

What happens if I receive an order? How do I fulfill it?

You will be notified that you received an order. You then log into your vendor account and pull up your orders. You can then click on the order, print the order, and then arrange to ship the order or fulfill digitally or virtually. 

Can I track the performance of my listings and sales on the platform?

Yes. On the Vendors panel you will be able to see and track your listings and offerings.

What payment methods are supported for sellers?

We use an outside payment processing company, Stripe. You will be able to accept all major credit cards. The processing company charges a 2.99% + $0.30 fee for every transaction made on our website. Made By Military then passes down that fee to the seller by deducting it from your earnings. You will see a breakdown of every transaction when an item is sold.

How do I handle returns or disputes with buyers?

All vendors should make their own return policies as each vendor is their own store. Returns and refunds are up to the vendor.

Can I link my social media or personal website to my seller profile?

Yes, You will see this option in your vendor profile when you set your account up.

Are there any specific guidelines or restrictions for military-related products?

Please see our restricted products policy.

How can I reach customer support if I need assistance as a seller?

You can send us an email and we will be happy to assist you.

How can I reach customer support if I need assistance as a seller at Made By Military?

At Made By Military, we understand the importance of providing efficient support to our sellers. Since we operate as an online company, all our communications are facilitated through online channels. Here's how you can reach our customer support for assistance:

Email Support: The primary method to connect with our customer support team is through email. Please feel free to send us an email at support@madebymilitary.com detailing your query or concern. Our dedicated support team will promptly review your message and provide the assistance you need.

Important Note: As a seller, it's recommended to include relevant details such as your seller ID, the nature of the issue, and any supporting information that can help us better understand and address your concern efficiently.

We appreciate your understanding of our online communication model and look forward to assisting you promptly. Thank you for being a part of Made By Military!

How do I get paid as a vendor once my product sells on Made By Military? A:

Congratulations on your successful sale! To receive your earnings as a vendor, follow these simple steps:

Log into your Vendor Dashboard: Access your vendor account on Made By Military by logging in to your dashboard.

Navigate to the "Withdrawals" Tab: Once logged in, go to the "Withdrawals" tab in your vendor dashboard.

Click "Create" on the Withdrawals Page: Locate and click the "Create" button on the withdrawals page to initiate a withdrawal request.

Submit Withdrawal Request: Fill in the necessary details for your withdrawal request. Include the amount you wish to transfer and any additional relevant information.

Review and Confirm: Take a moment to review your withdrawal request for accuracy. Ensure that all information is correct before confirming the withdrawal.

Vendor Settings - Payout info Tab: To facilitate the smooth transfer of funds, make sure you have provided your payment information under the "Payout info" tab in your vendor settings. This includes the details necessary for us to send your earnings directly to you.

Transfer Review: Once you submit your withdrawal request, our team will review the transfer to ensure accuracy and security.

Receive Your Earnings: Upon approval, your earnings will be transferred directly to you using the payout information you provided.